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Our Largest Event of the Year - Fun Run

The largest fundraiser of the year is the school wide Fun Run that is help every September. This year the theme was Under the Sea, previous themes were Out of the World, Glow Run and Pajama Run. At this event the students participate in physical activity outside and we ask their families to pledge money to support them. There are prizes and incentives based on the level of money raised. 

Free Money! $$$

We call these programs Free Money as they cost you and us nothing! Highlands PTO is a 501c3 registered non profit so we are able to participate in many charity give back programs. Please look into these programs and sign up so you can help to support our school.

King Soopers

Our PTO can earn money every time you shop! Link your King Soopers shopper card to Community Rewards and Earn Donations.

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Each quarter King Soopers will donate a percent of what we all spend to our PTO. All you need to do is shop at King Soopers, use your Shopper Card or Alternate ID, and link your card to Community Rewards.


It does not cost anything to enroll. It is Free Money and will support our PTO events and programs.


Sign up HERE:

4 Easy Steps to Register:

  • Step 1: Login to your King Soopers Account.

  • Step 2: Go to “My Account” and on the left-hand side click on “Community Rewards”.

  • Step 3: In the search box, type KE411 or Erie Highlands Elementary PTO.

  • Step 4: Click “enroll”.

How to Sign and Link Your King Soopers Card - Video

Milk For Moola

Join the Milk Caps for MOOLA - Longmont Dairy fundraiser. Collect bottle caps and turn them into cash donations for our PTO. How does the program work?


3 Easy Steps to Register:

  • Step 1: Drink Longmont Dairy Milk(Eligible cap products include: Milk, Chocolate Milk, Strawberry Milk, Half & Half, Whipping Cream, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade, Classic, and Cinnamon Eggnog.)

  • Step 2: Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can—from your bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.

  • Step 3: Put the caps in a small closed bag (be sure it is closed) and bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection bin.

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Cards and Photo Printing

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Shop @ Shutterfly HERE
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Shop @ Minted
Minted donates 15% 
You save 20%

Local and Online Retailers

Tell them you are with Highlands Elementary School when you are checking out either in person or online.. They will give a percentage of you order to Highlands!

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Spirit Wear - First Place

Order your Spirit Wear HERE!
This is the place for branded T-Shirts, Sports Gear, Water Bottles, Hats and many other things!
Get your Spirit Wear in time for the next Spirit Days. Shipping takes several weeks so order today!
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Platinum Sponsors

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Thank You, Mini Miners Dentistry!
We’re thrilled to have Mini Miners Dentistry as a Platinum Sponsor this year!

Your commitment to providing a fun,
friendly, and stress-free dental experience
for kids makes a huge difference in our
community. Thank you for supporting
Highlands Elementary!

Gold Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors

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Bronze Sponsors

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